Oh so bored....

Work is dead as a door nail, and has been for a couple of weeks. So I have been doing all the things people do when they are bored at work....blog reading and writing, myspace and other web surfing. Today I just want to leave...to go and have a little mini vacation from everyone and everything. Well ok lets be honest...not everythingjust leave me a book, chocolate and something to drink that will make me happy. Instead I will put on my happy face and go to a cookout tommorrow. FUUUUUN!

I talked to the Bride yesterday for a min and she is going crazy with it only being 8 days till the wedding. As of yet her MOH has not picked up her dress and brought it to be altered. Yes I know crazy huh that 8 days before and she hasn't got her dress yet. If I was the Bride I would be telling her she was out of the wedding. I mean come on, we ordered these things in December and were told that we would have to pay the 2nd half on them in march....it is now July. How hard is it to come up with the money in 6 months?!