Happy 4th of July!
Yesterday was spent being actively lazy....meaning I really did nothing, but I wasn't at home.
Tuesday night R came and stayed at my house in the city for the first time. The Cat didn't bother him as much as he thought it would so I hope this can become a more regular thing, since the privacy at his house is a little lacking for my taste.
Then in the morning we were up and out to go to the Elmwood Park parade that was a 1/2 hour late in starting so it took forever to get done with. While we waited I got to play with R's brother's new puppy, a Chug (a chuawua (sp?) pug mix), who is just too cute for words. After a short beer run we ended up at R's brother's house (he has the pool) for the family cook out. After much eating and swimming we struck out to the Elmwood Park Freedom Fest to see the fireworks. The fireworks were awesome lasting 30 non-stop minutes. The food I tried was good, but really not good for me at all. After that we went back to R's house and I came to work today from there so I didn't have to get up as early.
Tonight we have a cook demonstration to go to that is being put on by a friend of his that is in culinary school. Hopefully he makes something really good! Saturday we have another family cook out to go to,so I will have more time to not eat well this weekend.
In other news.... Last weekends cook out with the Bride (see right) & Groom went really well. They really seemed to like R and R loved them. We ended up going to see a AAA semi-pro football game of the team groom plays on (but he messed up his knee so he was doing the play-by-play announcing) that took forever to get started and over with. After the whole cake thing, I was a little worried about how the weekend was going to go, but it went really well. R's step-dad did a little bit of picking...which seems to be SOP, that I couldn't handle so I made him go to town with R and leave me alone for a while.
Now I think I best get to work...since I haven't done any yet!
Posted in: General Life on Thursday, July 5, 2007 at 9:17 AM