May Challenge Week 7

Well I lost 1 lb of the 3.5 lbs I gained last week...still not getting all my work outs in during the week and eating with R's family is still killing me on the weekends. I have been on this gain/lose of the same 5lbs for a month or so now and it is starting to piss me off big time!

So total so far:
Week 1: -1.5 lbs
Week 2: -1.5 lbs
Week 3: +2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 5: -.5 lbs
Week 6: +3.5 lbs
Weel 7: -1 lb
Total lost: 0 lbs


  1. It can be difficult when eating with family. And many of us have done the yo-yo thing. Hang in there and make healthy choices. Maybe extra exercise would counteract the family food? We'll be pulling for you!

  2. Hang in there sweety, you will win at this weight battle.