The weekend update...
Saturday was a uneventful day, did all the laundry, cleaned house, read a book. R came over in the evening and went grocery shopping with me and watched part of a movie before he had to go home to bed for his early morning at work. Sunday I went north for the bridal shower....which was a ton of fun. We got to torture L with a ton of bridal shower games one of which was the tp bridal dress fun you see over there. She got a ton of cool gifts, which I had a hard time writing down as fast as she opened them. After we got everything packed up in her car I went and picked up the shoes she had picked out for us, then off we drove to the groom's mother's house (who oddly enough was someone I had worked with for 4 years in high school) for her to fit my dress. I did fit into it all zipped up and everything, but the bodice was huge (sounds like the other girls were the same) and it needs to be taken out in the hips a little. I will have to go back on the 9th to try it again, so she can fit me for the length after she lets the sides out. The shoes are nothing I will wear again, but if I take the dress and have it altered to take off the train part then I can wear the dress to D's wedding in the fall. It will be a good color for then...but I will need a fancy sweater.
After the fitting I drove home, stopping to visit with R for a couple of hours. We watched some tv and talked, then I came home. We got into a text talk that ended up with me feeling very much so out of sorts when I went to bed. I woke up this morning with a really sore jaw from grinding my teeth all night. I don't think I will share right now what that talk was about...but maybe I will in the future.
Posted in: General Life on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 1:39 PM