My Healthy Lifestyle...
I have always been a "big boned" girl, in fact most of my family is. Last year as I ditched the really bad for me ex I decided to do something about the weight I had added in the past couple of years. After stepping on a scale and finding myself at I record high I knew I had to do something. At that point I started using SparkPeople to help me track both food intake and exercise. Yeah I have had a few stops and starts, but it has been a good thing for me. As of right now I am 28 lbs down from that high weight of a year ago. I am still looking to lose another 57ish but my current short term goal is another 16lbs by the time I need to wear a very orange dress in my best friends wedding. I mean come on...who really wants to look like a pumpkin in wedding pictures...not me that is for sure.
Today even though I am a few day beyond the start date I am going to join another group that will help me be accountable...

I will be looking to lose the max healthy weight of 2lbs a week for a total of 36 by the challenge end date of September 18th.
Posted in: General Life on Friday, May 11, 2007 at 2:03 PM
Good luck - you've got 250 real people cheering you on!
It's nice knowing I am not the only late starter. It sounds like you are off to a good start so hang in there! I am in the same boat with getting ready for weddings, gotta love the colors and syles that are chosen!!!
I will be cheering for you. I wish you much success.