
OK so I have been planning for 2 weeks a couples only weekend at the bf's stepdad's trailer in WI with my best friend & her fiancee (who's wedding I am in in 2 weeks) so that R and them could get to know each other before the wedding. Last week before I finalized everything with her I made him check that NO ONE else was going to be there. I was told no one would be there.

Then Wednesday I find out that not only will his step dad be there...but HIS son and the son's 3 kids will be there! I was upset...but worked the plan so we would have tents for us and the other couple so we don't have to sleep in the trailer with the kids/dad's. I was still a little upset that we would have kids running around while we were doing our drinking/bonfire thing. In my family there is NO, I mean no drinking around kids, period, but his family does it, so I let that go. I mean it is not his fault that the step dad forgot we were going to be there this weekend and told his son he could come up.

So last night I made this super awesome Triple Chocolate Bundt cake that takes forever to bake, to add to the cookout that we are now having with everyone, not just my friends on saturday evening. This morning I had R come pick it up and take it home so I wouldn't have to worry about someone trying to mess with it where I work (since he is picking me up right from work to go north). Well turns out his mom asked him if she could have some AND HE SAID YES! and so they cut in to my cake! I am so pissed right now, that I can't even talk to him! I can't believe he thought it "would be ok". I mean it was made FOR TOMMORROW'S COOKOUT not for today, just because "it looks good".

Yes I know it is just a stupid cake...but it is the whole thing...the kids, and the cake and the no control over the lovely weekend I had planned. Yes I love the man and his devotion to his family is one thing that makes me really love him. BUT we do at least one thing, if not 2, with his family every weekend, and then the family dinner at least 1 night a week. I mean how can you not when he still lives at home. This was to be a nice "away from his family for a change" weekend and now things are just really fucked!

I really at this moment want to just go home and go to bed, but I can't because I have company coming to the trailer and I need to be there. I sat here at my desk trying not to cry for about 15 min, and then I spent another 25 wanting to punch something because when I tried to explain how upset I was he didn't get it. So now I'm writing because I need to really calm down before I get in the car with him in 20 min and am stuck there for the next 2 hours. I also need to let it go so I can have fun this weekend with friends who I only see once in a while. I have a tendency, once things don't go my way/as planned to stay mad for a loooong time (see above about going to bed) thus ruining any fun I might have had if I could just let it go.

And now I'm back to wanting to cry again.

(yes I know I have anger management issues)

Weekend update...

I know I have become a bad blogger again...only telling what is going on after it has long passed. So here I go again....

Saturday I went to a graduation party with R & family. (pic of me and R to left) We had some fun, drank a little (since we weren't driving) and had a lot more fun when we got home. Hard to imagine someone can become so important to me in such a short time, but it has happened. He said the "l" word again and without even thinking I said it back. I meant it wasn't a problem I said it...I just didn't mean to say it so soon.

Sunday again with R and family I went to the south side to a street fair. R and his brother hit it hard and I got to see how R is when he is really was a eye opening experience. I didn't drink since I was the DD, but still ended up with a migraine that put me in bed most of Monday.

May Challenge Week 7

Well I lost 1 lb of the 3.5 lbs I gained last week...still not getting all my work outs in during the week and eating with R's family is still killing me on the weekends. I have been on this gain/lose of the same 5lbs for a month or so now and it is starting to piss me off big time!

So total so far:
Week 1: -1.5 lbs
Week 2: -1.5 lbs
Week 3: +2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 5: -.5 lbs
Week 6: +3.5 lbs
Weel 7: -1 lb
Total lost: 0 lbs

May Challenge Week 6

So my monthy visitor is kickin my ass right now.....

So total so far:
Week 1: -1.5 lbs
Week 2: -1.5 lbs
Week 3: +2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 5: -.5 lbs
Week 6: +3.5 lbs
Total lost: 0 lbs

How is tat for really bad!

Busy week & weekend update....

Last week was major busy. Tuesday and wednesday Coworker R and my direct boss went and spent some time at Neocon. There was some upheaval at work that changed who my boss actually is, so that was fun. I completed and went live with most of the work website...but I still have a ton of stuff to do for the salesman. So I will be working on that this week.

R and I went to the wedding on saturday, it was a ton of fun. I wore the brown dress I already had, but bought new shoes and accessories. A ton of pics were taken so as soon as I see a few I will post them.

Then on sunday we vegged till it was time to go to Little Italy to celebrate Father's Day for his step dad. There was a festival going on and I bought a cool new ring
and a cute necklace

We ate at a really great always. It was fun and I really love his family. Someone asked again how long we had been together again..and we both drew a blank so I looked it up and it has only been 5 is hard to imagine getting this attached to someone so fast. I mean we are talking about things we will be doing in a year...and that is a little scary cause it mean we each are thinking we will still be together then. He has been good about the "love you's" but he did say it again this weekend, and I almost said it back. But I still think it is too soon even if I think it might be true.

I am tuckered out right is hard to sleep with him cause he likes to hug me all night, which I am so not used to so I find it hard to sleep. I slept like a rock last night after I got home, but I think I will be taking it easy tonight.

May Challenge Week #5

Things are way hectic around here right now. So all I can say is week 5 is only down .5lb...better than nothing I say!

So total so far:
Week 1: -1.5 lbs
Week 2: -1.5 lbs
Week 3: +2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Week 5: -.5 lbs
Total lost: 3.5 lbs

May Challenge Week #4...

Well week 4 wasn't so bad...

I did all of my work outs and lost the 2lbs I gained the week before...but no more weight lost for the challenge.

So total so far:
Week 1: -1.5 lbs
Week 2: -1.5 lbs
Week 3: +2 lbs
Week 4: -2 lbs
Total lost: 3 lbs

Who knew...

That a catholic 8th grade graduation would be a celebration mass? Well not me that is for sure. R's (I think is) cousin graduated from 8th grade this weekend and I was told the ceremony wouldn't be that long and then we would go to that party. So I got dressed up and over to his house at 11:30 Sunday morning to ride over with his mom and brother. I wouldn't call 2 hours a short ceremony...especially since it was a ton of stuff I have never seen before; sit down, stand up, respond, kneel (3 times!) sing, wait for communion to get done. Now I spent a lot of time in church till the day I turned 18...and never did we do some of this stuff. So Sunday was the first catholic service experience for me.

Saturday R and I went to the Evanston Farmer's Market bought some nice stuff then bummed around downtown for a while (I bought the cutest purse)and then I went home. I showed his mom my dress for the wedding and she loved it so it is a go...and now I don't have to go shopping! He even has a shirt that will look really good with it he says.

Friday night after work I headed over to R's house to do dinner with the family, which lasted till almost 10pm, then watched a movie before falling asleep The man is such a gentleman that I had no problem falling asleep with him. Then in the morning we got up and went to market.

Next weekend R and I will be going to J-ville and staying at the trailer for the weekend. It was the plan to go up for my dress fitting, but that got moved since the groom's mom is having a stint put in on tuesday. BUT Dee called on saturday to say that she is having a b-day party for Grandma, so we are still going up to go to that. This will be that first time we are somewhere completely alone, and while I am not really worried about it I am feeling nervous/excited by it. We had a talk about things we like/don't like this weekend so I'm feeling a little better about how slow he is taking things right now. What I am really nervous is him meeting my whole family. I have tried to explain how crazy they are, but I just don't think he is getting it.