My Visual DNA
Posted in: Fun, General Life on Friday, April 27, 2007 at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Yeah I know slap my hand again for being a bad blogger. Life has been a little bland lately, if you don't count work or diet stress or not getting your paychecks.
I have been reading a few old posts and have realised that I am not as unhappy as I was a few months ago. Yes I am now 30(!) and yes I have not been on a date or a date like thing in over 2 months, but I am ok with that.
I have been thinking about me and what I wish to accomplish in the next year/5 years etc. and I have come to realise that I don't need anyone else in my life to make that happen. I mean what have I been waiting for? I need to think about a new car in the next year and in 2-3 years I want to purchase a house. So that means I need to get on the ball and figure out how that is going to happen. Also since I have passed a big marker I also need to think about my retirement fund.
I have been thinking about being single...what this means to my past dreams and my future ones. I had always thought that I would be all into the family thing by now....but as you can see, not happening. So I have to decided that I am ok with that or I am just going to make myself unhappy all the time. So to that end I am not looking any more. I am taking myself out of the game so to speak in order to take off what could be a life time of stress over it.
So all in all lately I am optimistic that things will get better...I will be less stressed over some things I can't change and try to work on me.
Posted in: General Life on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 11:04 AM 0 comments
"Contentment is the magic touch that turns everything to gold."
Posted in: Thought For The Day on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Posted in: General Life on Monday, April 16, 2007 at 2:23 PM 0 comments
That was the mood today as I stepped on the scale and realized that I was back up to ###. (sorry I just can't be that open about this here, where lord know who may see it) That terror was made worse when I looked at a calendar and realized that my best friends wedding who I ordered a dress from in December is only 14 weeks away! At the time I ordered it I was at a lower weight and in between two sizes so I ordered the SMALLER ONE! Now I want to beat my self in the head and say why oh why did you do that. So here I am back to the Spark People plan in the hopes that I can get myself down to that weight in time. I went and looked up the size chart for the dress and got the measurements I MUST be inorder for it to fit me when it gets here. I could almost cry as I see that I need to lose a total of 6.75” to be able to fit into it!
Posted in: General Life on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 7:21 PM 0 comments
...I have been a posting nob for sometime now. Things have been busy and boring around me so I took a little break. So I'm going to write about a few things that have happened recently.
The new production manager is gone. He and the boss were unable to stop butting heads enough to make it work. I can not say good riddance enough. Getting a paycheck on March 30Th was a bit of a didn't touch my hand till April 6Th and then I was afraid to cash it. The Boss told me to not spend any extra money, since I may need it. So it means as much as I love my job, I need to start looking for a new one. The boss told me not to worry cause if he goes he will make sure to take me with him, with better pay. I will not hold my breath on it but I will keep it as a option.
Lil Sis and all of her family (fiancee, 3year old J and 3 week old baby J) came down for a visit the weekend of March 30th. It was nice to see them all, but very tiring having them all stay at my house! We went to the art museum and navy pier on saturday and then that was enough togetherness for me. We arrived at the Pier for lunch and then the Fiancee spilled a whole freshly brewed cup of Starbucks coffee in my lap while I was holding 3wk old baby J. It was very hot and hurt, and then I had to spend the rest of the day looking like a idiot with one pant leg completely soaked in coffee.
This weekend I have to go north for the dreaded b-day party. Mom is coming home to see baby J and thought it would be so nice to combine it with my b-day. I am dreading this weekend cause I didn't want to celebrate this year at all, but I can't get out of it. I'm going to go up saturday morning and come back on sunday afternoon most likely.
I have given up. LOL very dramatic of me to say 4 days before my 30th b-day, but it is true. Right now I just feel old and unable to be cool, so I'm going to let it go. So I'm going to stop looking for it and if it finds me then ok, but if not I know I can be happy by myself.
In other news:
I went today and got my IL driver's license. I had to since my WI one was set to expire on Saturday. I aced the vision test, and didn't miss a question on the written test! The only thing was they made me take off my glasses for the picture...and now I don't think it really looks like me. I did answer truthfully at the weight section, even though I really wanted to keep my college weight. So as of today I am a official IL resident. I am even a organ donor.
The weight thing.... not so sweet. I stepped on the scale today, just about 13 weeks from The bestfriend's wedding and almost cried. I have about 10 weeks to get myself under control here to fit into that dress. So I sat down and mapped out the plan. I just have to get my ass in gear and do it. I gave myself a start date of sunday, though I will try and not overeat this weekend so I don't make it worse between now and then.
I started the spring planting a few weeks ago and now have little cherry tommato plants coming up like crazy. I need to go buy another plant light to take them a little farther, but I'm just going to stick with the one I have for now. My basil that I have been babying since last year is finally starting to look better after I transplanted it into better soil. The chives are another matter though. I haven't repotted them yet and they are not looking so good.
Posted in: General Life on at 2:24 PM 0 comments
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