The Kitchen Series: Tools I love....
So today's topic is about a few things I love to use in the kitchen. I will try and post a source for each item if I know where I got it from!
Flexible cutting boardsI use these a ton. I have 4 that I got from Ikea, they come in packs of 2 for $1.79. These are a nice and thick (about a 1/4" thick) and big enough to do some serious chopping on at 14" x 11". I bought these after I cut though my previous flexible cutting board and cut my counter. They work so well that I try and buy a new set every year or so and retire ones that are to cut up as craft surface protectors. They also work great as kids placemats!
Rachael Ray Gusto Grip 7-Inch East/West KnifeI heart this knife. I received it as a b-day present more than 2 years ago and it is the best present I have every gotten (thanks Auntie!) since I use it several times a day. It is easy to hold, slices and dices great and stays sharp. I have never had to sharpen mine and it still is great. It's a bit pricey,(I see it on Amazon for $42.99) but it lasts a long time so it is worth it!
CrockpotI use my crockpot at least once a week. I have had mine for about 8 years so it is not the exact one pictured. I love being able to put in supper and walk away from it. Just beware if you buy one...most of the newer ones tend to cook much hotter than any one you have had before. Things that would take 8 hours in a old one will most likely take more like 4 in a new one.
KitchenAid® Artisan® 5 Qt. Stand MixerThis is also a tool I could live without...but really don't want too! I received this as a gift, but know that they are a little pricey (Amazon has them listed at about $300)so this is something most people have to get as a gift or save up for! I use mine to make just about anything and think it looks super cool on a counter.
George Foreman GGR50B Indoor/Outdoor GrillI know..a odd kitchen tool...but since I live in a condo building that doesn't allow gas or charcoal grills I have one of these. I can still get my grill-on out on the balcony with out getting a ticket from the city!
Food Dehydrator
I used to use this for making jerkey, but recently I got into making much more with this. I now dry sliced potatoes for scalloped potatoes and onion rings for minced onions. It takes a little bit to learn thru trial and error but once you have it is a great tool.
So these are my fave things...what are yours? Leave me a comment on your fave thing! Next time we will talk about stocking your drygoods pantry, so check back soon.
Posted in: In The Kitchen, The Kitchen Series on Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 10:00 AM